Meet the Money – Event Resources

Accelerate the process of getting money to grow your business, or improve the terms of existing finance.

Event Summary

Our ‘Meet the Money’ event has been created to help you accelerate the process of getting money to grow your business – or improve existing finance terms. We have invited several key advisers to connect you with the right people.

The event is applicable for those of you who need financial help to expand your business, launch a new service or product, invest in new machinery, increase exports, purchase premises, or train your leadership team.

You'll have the opportunity to meet directly with advisers in the following areas:

  • Business Plans, including strategy, finance, marketing, and how to pitch your proposal.
  • Grant support available via Scottish Enterprise, SDI, and Business Gateway.
  • Bank finance: get a second opinion on your current bank facilities.
  • Venture Capital: what’s available and what do you have to give up to get it?
  • Crowd funding: is it feasible for your business and how does it work?

Event Speakers

Matt Donnelly, Managing Director of ad+
Matt discussed where to concentrate scarce resources within the business by comparing personal and business goals against actual results shown within the Annual Accounts of the business and the Personal Balance Sheet of the owner(s).

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