April 2014

Tailored Investment Solutions

Expert, flexible approach to accumulating
and managing wealth
We provide clients with an expert, flexible approach to accumulating and managing their ealth. Understanding your financial circumstances is crucial in making sure we tailor the right investment solutions for you. Regardless of what stage of life you’re in, we can help you to protect and grow your wealth.

The starting point and usual way […]

Overseas Assets

Investors should not delay in disclosing their assets
With the latest HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) campaign aimed at targeting investors with overseas assets, some investors could be worried about the impact this could have on their overseas investments, and others could be put off from investing overseas altogether. However, it’s not all doom and gloom. Once assets have been appropriately […]

Succession Planning – Seminar Highlights (part 3)

Here’s our final post in a three part series sharing some highlights from our succession planning seminar we ran at the end of March.

If you’ve missed our other posts you can find them here and here. We’ve got a couple of highlights just to finish things off. In these two videos we cover managing processes and not people as well […]

Succession Planning – Seminar Highlights (part 2)

Here’s the second post in a three part series sharing some highlights from our succession planning seminar we ran at the end of March.
If you missed the first post with the first three videos in then click here. We’ve got a few more highlights for you, watch the videos below to find out why date-setting is so helpful and why […]

Succession Planning – Seminar Highlights (part 1)

Last week we ran a seminar titled ‘Succession or Sale’ centred around the age-old question: should I hand my business over to my children or should I sell?

It was a great event, but we appreciate that many of you won’t have been able to make it and we wanted to share some of the highlights with you. So, in the […]