
  • Tax on property sales

Tax charge when you sell residential property investments

Since 1st July 2020, in most instances, you are required to report and pay tax within 30 days when you make a profit on the sale of a residential property that is not your main home.

The change has drastically reduced the previous time gap between the date of sale and the date of paying the tax.  You will now be […]

  • accountancy and tax advice

Accountancy and tax advice for property investors

Property and Wealth
Owning a property portfolio is an aim of many people. Whether the portfolio runs alongside a trading business or becomes the main focus, the appeal is to accumulate a capital asset which can produce a stream of income.

Because ad+ has so many clients who own property investments, this is a topic in which we have a special interest.

We […]

  • Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs)

Small-Scale Property Development: Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs)

‘Special Purpose Vehicles’, or SPVs, are becoming more common as a means of operating small-scale property developments.
What is a Special Purpose Vehicle
A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is a legal business structure which has been created for a specific, usually limited, purpose and which has specific, usually limited, powers. It can be thought of as a business that has been tailor-made […]

Small-Scale Property Development: Another source of funding?

Several local business owners have asked us about two comparatively new developments associated with small-scale property developments. We would like to share some information on these topics with you. We start with crowd funding.
Another source of funding?
Crowd funding can raise debt (loan) or equity (share) capital.

The majority of conversations we have had with local developers have been focussed on crowd […]

Extracting profit – and saving tax

While there are numerous ways of extracting profit from your company, each option has its own implications in terms of the amount of tax you pay, as well as for the company itself.  Here are some key planning strategies for extracting profit and saving tax.

Note that corporation tax is the tax due on a company’s profits, while personal income tax […]