December 2016

Surprise employees with tax-efficient benefits

It’s very hard to find and keep good employees. Therefore, you might be looking for ways to surprise your team.

Luckily, two planning opportunities are currently available to surprise your team in a tax-efficient manner.

Tax exemption for trivial benefits in kind

Most employees would be pleasantly surprised to receive a bottle of wine, tickets to a football match or the cinema, or […]

What income tax allowances are you entitled to when you rent out residential property?

If you receive rental income from residential property you are required to pay income tax on the profit you make.

Your profit is added to your other income to determine how much income tax you pay.

In order to arrive at your taxable profit, you are allowed to deduct qualifying revenue expenses (day-to-day running costs) and tax allowances. Recent change in one […]

Improve the profitability of your business by satisfying your customer’s values

If you want to grow?much faster?than your competitors you need to satisfy your customer’s value system.
Companies that scored high on four or more elements had recent?revenue growth four times greater?than that of companies with only one high score (on the NPS system for measuring customer satisfaction).
Source: The Elements of Value. HRB September 2016.
It seems self-evident that satisfied customers will buy […]