September 2018

  • What’s your ROI on digital marketing?

What’s your ROI on digital marketing?

A new research report confirms what I, and many others, have suspected. Namely, that during the last five years, it has become more difficult to maintain market visibility, customer loyalty, and a flow of referrals from clients.  The non-stop tidal way of marketing massages is making it harder to generate new business enquiries through all forms of marketing, including via […]

  • Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs)

Small-Scale Property Development: Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs)

‘Special Purpose Vehicles’, or SPVs, are becoming more common as a means of operating small-scale property developments.
What is a Special Purpose Vehicle
A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is a legal business structure which has been created for a specific, usually limited, purpose and which has specific, usually limited, powers. It can be thought of as a business that has been tailor-made […]

Small-Scale Property Development: Another source of funding?

Several local business owners have asked us about two comparatively new developments associated with small-scale property developments. We would like to share some information on these topics with you. We start with crowd funding.
Another source of funding?
Crowd funding can raise debt (loan) or equity (share) capital.

The majority of conversations we have had with local developers have been focussed on crowd […]

  • Why outsource your bookkeeping?

Why outsource your bookkeeping?

I know, as a chartered accountant, that the starting point is always ensuring that the bank accounts are fully reconciled. Which means that all the transactional activity within those bank accounts have been processed properly through the bookkeeping system.

When I was doing my training, most clients operated a manual bookkeeping system. Nowadays we have the advantage of digital cloud based […]