August 2020

  • Tax on property sales

Tax charge when you sell residential property investments

Since 1st July 2020, in most instances, you are required to report and pay tax within 30 days when you make a profit on the sale of a residential property that is not your main home.

The change has drastically reduced the previous time gap between the date of sale and the date of paying the tax.  You will now be […]

  • accountancy and tax advice

Accountancy and tax advice for property investors

Property and Wealth
Owning a property portfolio is an aim of many people. Whether the portfolio runs alongside a trading business or becomes the main focus, the appeal is to accumulate a capital asset which can produce a stream of income.

Because ad+ has so many clients who own property investments, this is a topic in which we have a special interest.

We […]

  • ad+ can help to create a financial recovery plan for your business.

Your business recovery plan – repay loans

Does your financial recovery plan include repayment of loans etc?
It’s time to have another look at your business recovery plan. This time we are going to focus on repaying loans or liabilities deferred.

Let’s start by looking at the main financial provisions that have been put in place during this crisis. You need to identify which ones require to be repaid, […]