Tax Tip

Tax Return Deadline

HMRC have been reminding everyone through radio, TV and the newspapers that the filing deadline for 2012/13 tax returns is 31st January 2014.

If your tax return is not received and accepted by HMRC prior to this date then a penalty of £100 will be charged even if there is no tax to pay. Any tax liabilities must also be paid […]

66 Days to the Tax Return Submission Deadline!

Has your 2012/13 tax return been completed and submitted to H M Revenue & Customs?

The deadline for online tax return submission for this year is 31 January 2014.? This is also the due date for any balancing payment of tax due for the year 2012/13 and the 1st Payment on Account towards 2013/14.
Do you know how much you have to […]

Getting the most from your ISA

If you want to save small, regular amounts, one thing you may want to look at is an Individual Savings Account (ISA). It’s most likely available from your local bank.  Most banks, building societies and a variety of other providers provide them.  Even though the interest rates are still low, these are still a popular ‘tax-free’ saving option.
ISA Investments
If you’ve […]

Retirement planning: let the taxman help

Retirement is a time that most people look forward to, and with a solid financial plan in place for retirement planning, you can too.

While many individuals have looked to parallel investments for retirement in the current climate – such as gold, second homes or buy-to-let – it is important to take advantage of tax reliefs and (tax-deductible) employer contributions to […]

Extracting profit – and saving tax

While there are numerous ways of extracting profit from your company, each option has its own implications in terms of the amount of tax you pay, as well as for the company itself.  Here are some key planning strategies for extracting profit and saving tax.

Note that corporation tax is the tax due on a company’s profits, while personal income tax […]

Xero Online Accounting Software: Everything in real-time

?Whether you’re still using spreadsheets (or – gasp! – pen and paper), or have downloaded accounting software that you try to use, it’s easy to get confused, frustrated, and weary of dealing with this bookkeeping task.

One of the ways you can remove this frustration from your business life (and save countless hours for yourself and your employees) is to use […]

Pension Fund Auto Enrolment

Are You Meeting The Pension Fund Requirements?

With the announcement by The Pension Regulator that they have opened 89 cases of potential Auto Enrolment Non-Compliance and issued their first fine, the time is now to start looking at the legal requirements on your business. With large businesses already through their staging dates and small and medium sized businesses getting within 6 […]