March 2019

What’s the best way to keep your customer happy and remain profitable?

How hard do you work to make a disgruntled client a delighted client?” asks Paul Shrimpling in his latest ‘business bitesize’ newsletter. That great question, supported by fresh research insights, and practical advice from Paul got my mind buzzing early this morning. We all know that a happy and loyal customer can be a profitable customer. Paul’s advice is especially […]

Tax relief on plant and machinery

Up to £1,000,000 of investment in plant and machinery by businesses may be eligible for tax relief. The minimum eligible investment is £200,000.

This is a temporary arrangement which is designed to encourage business investment by accelerating tax relief.

The investment can be paid from business cash or borrowed funds.

The timing of the investment can affect the amount of tax relief.

Only certain […]

Pay less tax

Ignoring tax saving opportunities could cost you a lot. Between now and 5th April is your last chance to cut your tax bill for the current year by utilising a series of perfectly legal steps.

The correct tax advice depends on your specific circumstances. Get in touch with David Charles to arrange your initial discussion with our tax specialist.


T:  0141 […]

Who else wants to transform business results?


You know you have created a good business plan, but the results are disappointing. Sure, the team has made some progress, but just not enough. It’s frustrating trying to get your plan implemented.

Why does this happen?

What could you do to increase your chance of success?

It’s sobering to recall that we all have the same 24 hours per day, but some […]

You have less than one month to get ready for Making Tax Digital

On the 1st April 2019, almost all VAT-registered businesses will be required by HMRC to make digital VAT returns every quarter. Is your business ready? 

You could invest in new digital accounting software and staff training, or you could relieve your business of the entire processing burden by outsourcing all your bookkeeping and VAT Return work to ad+ Chartered Accountants.

We regularly receive […]